How to turn your board members into effective fundraisers

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Do your board members avoid fundraising?

Would you like a simple and highly effective way to get your board to raise more money?

With these videos and worksheets, you'll be able to easily train your board.

Board members will learn how to:

  1. identify new donor prospects
  2. discover what a donor values
  3. ask donors for a gift
  4. thank donors in a meaningful way
  5. become sounding boards for donors
  6. figure out what will cause donors to give larger donations
  7. and more...

Andrea and Andy have trained thousands of board members.  These training exercises have been crafted and perfected to help board members overcome any fears they may have. The exercises are simple, and even fun for board members.

You can easily train your board members.

In the past, training your board was time consuming and expensive.  Andrea Kihlstedt and Andy Robinson nationally known board trainers and have hand picked ten of the most effective training exercises to get your board raising more money quickly.  They will walk you through each exercise, step-by-step.

You will learn how to take your board through each exercise.

Here are the ten exercises you'll get:

  1. Instant Donor
  2. One Minute of Fame
  3. Features and Benefits
  4. Fundraising from the Inside Out
  5. The ABCs of Identifying Prospects
  6. The Gift Is Just the Beginning
  7. How High Will You Go
  8. What’s Our Mission
  9. Six Quick Asks
  10. Trio Ask

Bonus Exercises

For a limited time, you'll also get these two bonus exercises:

  1. Cycle of Fundraising
  2. Why Do You Care

Several of these exercises take 10-15 minutes to do with your board members. Only a few of the exercises take more than 30 minutes.

Getting your board members to help you fundraise has never been this fast or easy.

You'll get all 12 exercises on video along with worksheets and handouts. Bring one or two of these exercises to each board meeting, or have a board training retreat and go through all of the exercises together.

You also get a full

FREE Bonus videos:
"How Donors Think"

"How Donors Think" takes you on a journey to the other side of fundraising.

You and your board members will hear what donors really think when it comes to fundraising and being asked for money. This is a set of powerful perspectives you can use to build stronger relationships with your current and future donors.

This series of videos is made up of interviews with actual donors. These donors give candid answers to 22 questions that were submitted by Movie Monday viewers.  Here are the questions they were asked.

The donors give you answers to each of these questions:

  1. What motivates you to give?
  2. What makes you NOT want to support a cause?
  3. How do you determine the size of your gift?
  4. What inspires you to give to a particular organization?
  5. Of all the ways you’ve been thanked, what was your favorite?
  6. With so many nonprofits, how do you choose who to give to?
  7. How can a small nonprofit get funding when it seems like large established organizations get the money?
  8. How has the economy changed your donation patterns?
  9. How much attention do you get from a nonprofit and how much is too much?
  10. What do you get out of giving?
  11. What is the one factor about an organization that really convinces you to give?
  12. What is the number one thing a Development officer should focus on?
  13. What can an organization do to get larger donations from donors?
  14. How do you prefer to be asked to support an organization?
  15. What are some of the best ways organizations have built relationships with you?
  16. If you could pick one piece of advice to give to somebody new to fundraising, what would you tell them?
  17. Do you feel appreciated or a sense of community from the organizations you support?
  18. Do you talk with friends about giving to a particular cause?
  19. What triggers your emotions?
  20. What do you expect or need from an organization you donate to?
  21. Do charity “watch dog” groups really impact your giving?
  22. How can we inspire you to consider the operating costs for our organization to be important to fund?

If you’d like an easier time raising money, training board members, relieving stress, and finding out how donors think, then get your own copy of "How Donors Think" for FREE (for a limited time).

Give these exercises a try.  They come with a full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.  If they aren't going to work for you, just let us know and we'll refund your purchase.

Buy these today and you'll get instant online access to all the videos.

If you'd like an easy way to get your board members to help you fundraise, then click the add to cart button above.


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